Anh Sy Huy Le, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor of History

Teaching & Pedagogy

HIST368A A History of Asian America, Fall 2022
As a historian and a humanist, I strongly believe in the power of storytelling and how it allows us to overcome the deterministic and reductive temptations of positivist thinking. In my classes, students are equipped with broad theoretical frameworks to assess and answer key historical questions, but they will also learn to complicate these narratives by grappling with a set of multilayered and varied individual experiences across time and space. I hope that by the end of my classes, students will walk away not just with a more emphathetic, crystalizing sense of the worlds surrounding them, but with the ability and confidence to critique arguments, presumptions, and ahistoricity. 

I am therefore committed to a teaching model that promotes rigorous historical learning, relatable examples, and comparative possibilities. I employ diverse assignments and approaches to excite students and to engage them in open discussion, constructive debates, and the cultivation of empathetic values. Lastly, I strive to help students refine their skill set not only to improve their knowledge of history, but also to build a strong foundation for critical thinking and writing.

St. Norbert College

Freshman Seminar FYS Introduction to Modern East Asia (Fall 2023)
Modern East Asian History (Fall 2021, Spring 2022, Fall 2022, Spring 2023, Fall 2023)
Modern Chinese History (Spring 2022)
The Vietnam War, 1900-Present (Fall 2021, Spring 2024)
A History of Asian America (Fall 2022, Fall 2023)
Global & Comparative Histories of Empires (Spring 2023)

Michigan State University

Modern Vietnamese History, instructor (Fall 2019)
National Diversity & Cultures, course assistant (Spring 2021)
The History and Theory of Genocide, course assistant (Fall 2020)
Sex Research and Social Science, course assistant (Summer 2018)
Latin America and the World,  course assistant (Spring 2018)
Wars and Global Revolutions, course assistant (Fall 2017)
World History Since 1500, course assistant (Summer 2017)
Social Science Perspectives on Japanese History and Culture, course assistant (Summer 2016)
Asia and the World, course assistant (Spring 2016, Fall 2015)

SUNY Buffalo

World Civilizations (1500-Present), course assistant (Spring 2015, spring 2014) 
World Civilizations (Pre-1500), course assistant (Fall 2013, Fall 2014)
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